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Other Projects

Here are some other, smaller works of ours. They are not as feature-complete or "impressive" as some of our other stuff, but still worth checking out.

Guitar Hero 80s - Xbox 360 Port

Created by jnack, this is a complete port of all of the songs, characters, venues, and menus from Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80s, which only ever released on PS2.

Title Screen Main Menu Character Select In-game

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GH1 "Sekrit Edition"

Created by lunalawl, this is a small patch for Guitar Hero 1 that re-adds the two secret songs to the bonus setlist; "Trippolette" by Andraleia Buch and "Graveyard Shift" by Gurney.

'Graveyard Shift' in the store 'Trippolette' in the store 'Graveyard Shift' in the song list 'Trippolette' in the song list

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Amplitude "Space Edition"

Created by Carter (Squididly), this is a small patch for Amplitude (2003) that adds the demo-exclusive song, "Space" by P.O.D. This is not recommended for normal play as it extends loading times.

'Space' in Solo mode 'Space' in Soundtrack mode 'Space' in the loading screen (get used to this) 'Space' in the online launchpad

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Created by lunalawl, these are small patches to vanilla RB games that don't have Deluxe mods available. They add minimal quality-of-life improvements.

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Created by lunalawl, these are small patches to the Dance Central games. These are very early and don't do much at this time.

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